Monday 21 March 2022

I am still blogging …

I am still blogging … 

but I’ve moved.

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and see the next stage of my learning journey.

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Wednesday 22 September 2021

The layers of the ocean

        Fun fact:The ocean itself covers two thirds of our earth.

         This is a photo of the ocean layer so as you can see there are 5 layers of the ocean. There is sunlight zone,twilight zone and more. In the sunlight zone Humans can swim there and you may not find any sea creatures there only plants such as seaweed. Next is the abyss only a few animals may live there like whales and squid. One more the next one is trench Well the trench most animals do not live there unknown animals might live down there no one knows, The trench is also called the ocean floor.    

Fun fact:The midnight zone is up to 4000m below the surface of the ocean. Sunlight cannot reach this layer which means it is pitch black down there.

Tuesday 10 August 2021

If i won an olympics medal


If I won an olympics medal I would….

go around schools and  encourage the students and staff  to do some sports and chase their dreams. I would also love to talk with other people about how hard it was to get the medal. I would party with my friends, family and coaches. I would also like to thank my coaches for coaching me.

Friday 6 August 2021

Probability games


This is the sludger so how to play this game there are three buttons at the bottom as you can see in this  photo. There is a NO MAYBE or YES there are four tanks full of colours you can either fill by yourself or you can auto fill. So as you can see  this picture it says Will you get a blue goo slushy?,Select No,Maybe or yes to answer the question. It will say try again in the bottom where it says information that means that you pressed the wrong button.It was really easy and i thnk its a good game for 6-5 years grade copy link for the game

Next is this game its called mr nussbaum how to play this is you press one of the four rectangles that's more likely to land on. I pressed yellow or green because there is more of those colours then the other colors. If you pick the right one then you win about 5 tickets i don't know what the tickets are for but i know you get 5 tickets  if you get the right answer. This game is medium easy but also kinda fun i got 3 or 4 in a row. COPY LINK FOR GAME

This well this is my favourite game even though i get most of them wrong. This game is called beat the odds you can practice,challenge other people. This game is about Develop, use, and explore experimental probability models. This interactive exercise focuses on calculating the probabilities of random events and playing a game where you bet virtual money on the outcome of random events. This is a kinda hard one but its a fun game. COPY LINK FOR GAME


Wednesday 4 August 2021

Day 1 of cybersmart

Kia ora tamariki ma my name is damani im  11 years old and a year 6 so my class and i had cybersmart today.We were learning about how to use a chromebook and what we shouldn't have by our chromebook.Please put a comment below if you think this is right. Thank you have a good day

Tuesday 15 June 2021

let's clean up omaru

Have you seen a polluted river.If you haven't then i'm going to tell you what me and some friends saw.Me some friends and a teacher were going for a walk because the kids that just came back said they saw a haunted house so we went to check it out but it wasn't even  scary.We all went farther to see what was there.

When we went farther we didn't really see anything except trees and plants.We all went to go see if there was anything else when we went a little bit further we saw 11 dead eels and it smelt really bad.We all should look after the streams and rivers.

If we stop littering and throwing stuff in the streams and rivers then the streams and rivers will look beautiful and smell nice and not smell like rubbish and rotten stuff.I am warning people so this can stop. if this stops it will be a big surprise and a lot of people will be happy because it is clean and not dirty.

Friday 4 June 2021

Damani and Rickal


Once upon a time there were two girls one was Damani she was always bragging about her being the fastest out of Rickal . Rickal  always said that she was faster than Damani.One day they both decided to have a race and see who won and to see who was the fastest.

They both met up by a rock there were friends there.Tuku (A friend of ours) made a line.Tuku counted down to one from three and then we ran i started getting tired i went for a nap because Rickal was nowhere near where i was.Rickal started to get closer to damani.

When Rickal got closer  to Damani  she was about to wake up but then fell back to sleep.Rickal past Damani and was very close to the finish line.Damani then woke up and heard the crowd saying ‘‘come on Rickal you can do it’’ then damani started running and nearly made it but then. Rickal already won because she went past the line first.

Then damani realized that fast and slow could win and that she should never judge a book by its cover.What I mean by that is if you see someone that looks nice and then when you really get to know them then you would know what that person is really like.